<% Const wdsTitle = 0 '@APPNAME@ Login Const wdsLabelUserID = 1 'User ID Const wdsLabelPassword = 2 'Password Const wdsPlaceholderUserID = 3 'User ID Const wdsPlaceholderPassword = 4 'Password Const wdsLinkForgotPassword = 5 'Forgot password? Const wdsLinkRequestNewAccount = 6 'Request New Account Const wdsButtonLabelLogIn = 7 'Log In Const wdsCopyrightTitleLine = 8 '@EPICAPPNAME@ @EPICVERSIONNAME@ Release Const wdsCopyrightLicenseLine = 9 'Licensed from Epic Systems Corporation, © @APPLICATIONCOPYRIGHT@ Epic Systems Corporation. Const wdsLinkAddlCopyright = 10 'Additional copyright and legal notices Const wdsLinkForgotPasswordToolTip = 11 'Reset your password by answering challenge questions Const wdsLinkRequestNewAccountToolTip = 12 'Request access for a new @APPNAME@ account Const wdsTextPoweredBy = 13 'powered by Const wdsLinkGuestClaims = 14 'Check Claim Status Const wdsLinkGuestClaimsTooltip = 15 'Check a claim's status via guest access Const wdsEnvironmentIndicatorMsg = 16 '@MESSAGE@ Const wdsTextL2GLogin = 17 '@L2G_NAME@ Authentication Const wdsButtonAuthenticate = 18 'Authenticate Const DISP_MAX_NUM = 18 Const DISP_ID = "FrontPage" Const TOKEN_APPNAME = "@APPNAME@" Const TOKEN_EPICAPPNAME = "@EPICAPPNAME@" Const TOKEN_EPICVERSIONNAME = "@EPICVERSIONNAME@" Const TOKEN_APPLICATIONCOPYRIGHT = "@APPLICATIONCOPYRIGHT@" Const TOKEN_MESSAGE = "@MESSAGE@" Const TOKEN_L2G_NAME = "@L2G_NAME@" Dim sDisplayStrings Dim oDisplayConfig Dim oUtils Dim isExecModeFromCookie Dim EnvIndicatorEnabled Dim sEnvironmentMessage Dim sEnvironmentTextColor Dim sEnvironmentBackColor Dim isL2GConnect Dim sLoginButtonText isL2GConnect = (Session("LTStep") = "Connect") isExecModeFromCookie = (Len(Request.Cookies("ExecMode")) > 0) If isExecModeFromCookie Then Session("ExecMode") = True Session("No_AppImage") = True Session("AppNameUnbranded") = "Executive Dashboards™" Call objConfigManager.SetConfig("MainLogoFullPath", CStr(Application("BasePath") & "/" & Application.Contents.Item("Locale") & "/img/" & "ExecLinkLogo.png")) Call objConfigManager.SetConfig("AppName", "Executive Dashboards") End If Set oDisplayConfig = Server.CreateObject("EwAuth" & Application.Contents.Item("PROG_ID_VERS") & ".WDisplayConfig") sDisplayStrings = oDisplayConfig.GetPageStringArrayASP(DISP_ID, DISP_MAX_NUM) Set oDisplayConfig = Nothing ' Copied from IsEnvironmentIndicatorEnabled in library.inc EnvIndicatorEnabled = Application("EnvironmentIndicatorEnabled") If Application("EnvironmentIndicatorEnabled") Then sEnvironmentMessage = Application("EnvironmentIndicatorMessage") sEnvironmentTextColor = Application("EnvironmentIndicatorTextColor") sEnvironmentBackColor = Application("EnvironmentIndicatorBackColor") End If sEnvironmentMessage = Replace(sDisplayStrings(wdsEnvironmentIndicatorMsg), TOKEN_MESSAGE, Server.HTMLEncode(sEnvironmentMessage)) sLoginButtonText = sDisplayStrings(wdsButtonLabelLogIn) If isL2GConnect Then sLoginButtonText = sDisplayStrings(wdsButtonAuthenticate) End If %> <%=Replace(sDisplayStrings(wdsTitle), TOKEN_APPNAME, Application("AppName"))%> <% 'Use standard API to include CSS and JS files Set oUtils = CreateObject("EWAuth" & Application.Contents.Item("PROG_ID_VERS") & ".WPageUtils") Call Response.Write(oUtils.IncludeCSS(Application, Session, False, True, False, "epic_main,standalone")) Call Response.Write(oUtils.HTMLJavaScriptInclude(Application, "ThirdParty/jquery.js")) Call Response.Write(oUtils.HTMLJavaScriptInclude(Application, "ThirdParty/jquery-ui.js")) Call Response.Write(oUtils.HTMLJavaScriptInclude(Application, "uitools.js")) set oUtils = nothing %> <% Dim SITE_BANNER_HEIGHT sBannerFile = objConfigManager.GetConfig("SiteBannerFile") SITE_BANNER_HEIGHT = "0" If (Len(sBannerFile) > 0) Then SITE_BANNER_HEIGHT = objConfigManager.GetConfig("SiteBannerHeight") End If %> <% If (Len(sBannerFile) > 0) Then %> <% End If %> <% If EnvIndicatorEnabled Then %>
<% End If %>
" alt="Epic" class="image" style="max-width: 315px;" /> <% If isL2GConnect Then %>
/img/Home_LinkedTogether.png" width="60" height="60">
<%=Replace(sDisplayStrings(wdsTextL2GLogin), TOKEN_L2G_NAME, Application("L2GFeatureName"))%>
<% End If %>